You can find a lot of good places but these are the ones I would go to.
So it is logical to address these in the order I would pick them in. When I started to make this list I thought that I did not want it to be with lots of places, only a special few. I started out by creating a list of all the places that served good fish and close to the city center, next I picked out all of those that I thought stood out from the rest, last but not least I left 3. Once I had done all that I realized that all of them are basically next to each other. The furthest one away is a 2-minute walk from the 2 other (which are literally next to each other). So the order in which I would pick them has to do with 2 things. One is the price and the other what you get. I did not have to think at all what restaurant would come in first place on this list, I had kinda made up my mind as soon as I thought of writing this.
- Sægrefinn (the seabaron). So how to put this, if we’re going to judge this place from how it looks alone you would turn around and not think twice about it. But here you will get the best lobster/fish soup I have ever tasted! I like to point out that I used to work for a website that did restaurant reviews and have tried my share of lobster soups. They also serve fresh fish on a stick that´s as much worth it, as the soup. So on the first scale it goes all the way up but what about the price, well it´s not expensive. When I write this, a soup and bread is around 1.500 ISK ($ 14). So, in short, a great food, great price, but does not look like it. This place is truly unique and worth taking a look at, you can read their story here, and find the Seabaron here. When you come to the restaurant you will see an old fishing hut where they have set up longboards and you sit on fishing barrels, this is all part of their history as this was originally not a restaurant.< p>
- Höfnin stands tall in second places I would go. But here you are looking at fine dining, new and fresh fish used in all dishes. This restaurant is in the same sea green fishing huts as the Seabaron. This is a unique location with a view over the harbor. The house itself is built around in 1930 and has a long history that they wanted to preserve and keep the spirit of the house when they renovated to make the place for a restaurant in 2010. They have their focus on traditional Icelandic food but not only fish. During warm summer days, they have a seating area right outside with a wonderful view over the old harbor. The chef is the owner Brynjar and his kids. This is truly a family run restaurant. You can find Höfnin here.
- Icelandic Fish and chips. Want it simple and good, this is the way to go. They only use fresh fish all the way from the Atlantic ocean (all 200 meters). So their story is fairly simple and comes through in their food selection and how the place is. “providing fresh and healthy food made with the best available Icelandic ingredients” – this sentence pretty much sums up all you need to know about it. Fast service and good food, what more could you ask for? As I said before this place is not located far away so you can easily go and check it out and if you don´t like it just walk to the next one. You can find Icelandic Fish and Chips here.