So this is a thing. We love ice cream!
I have no way of explaining how this began but I can tell you that we truly good at making it. If you get there on a sunny day, there will be long lines and at a glance look like you would have to wait there for a long time. But on days like that, there are usually 4-5 working. The only thing these people are doing is serving you ice cream so it goes fast. On the other hand, if you go there on a rainy or not so sunny day there most probably will still be a line, just not as long. It´s kind of funny that it won´t matter what kind of wheater there is outside you will find Icelanders at the ice cream parlor. Even over the winter time when it´s the coldest we still go out and get it. Some of the best ice cream parlors in Iceland can u find in or close to the city center. I am going to arrange them in the order of my personal preference. All the names are linked to where you can find them on Google Maps to make it even easier for you to go and get your own.
- Valdís
- Ísbúð vesturbæjar (West town ice cream)
- Efsti Dalur
I go to Valdís almost every time I am close by, even if I did not want one beforehand. They serve all kinds of flavors in a cone or a box. This can range all the way from a coffee crunch, to oreo cookie, to a lemon sorbet. They also always have some new flavors for you to try out. This is not one of your traditional ice creams vendors. The house they are located in old fishing huts. In these huts, they used to fix their nets and make everything ready before heading out to sea. So the look and feel of the place is unique and fun to see. Just to mention they are located at Grandinn and there you can find more things to take a look at.
What makes Ísbúð Vesturbæjar special is that they have 2 different kinds of ice cream. They have your normal milk blended ice cream but also something they call the old ice cream. In the letter one lies the secret. That ice cream is colder and stiffer than the other one. The store that is within walking distance of the city center is the original one, over the years they have opened up a few more stores and other vendors started to offer something that resembles the original old ice cream, but i still recommend to get the origin if your going to get it in the first place.
Last comes a farm that is located between Laugarvatn and Geysir. That one you can´t go to unless your excursion stops there or if you have a car that you can drive. But it´s still one of the best icecreams you can get. What makes this place even more special is that the ice cream is made from the milk that comes from the cows on the farm. The ice cream there is really creamy and stiff. The area where you can sit down and enjoy your ice cream (well or coffee or waffle) there is a glass that lets you see into the barn where the animals are. This gives a really nice touch to the place and makes it even more unique.